Saturday, 16 January 2021


        Psychology has been ranked very low in western countries. Psychology is also the science of the sciences, but in the western countries, like other sciences, it is placed on a surface; The same criterion has been laid to test him. 

     1} How much practical benefit will humanity have from this?

     2} How much will increase our happiness increasing rapidly?

     3} What will be the decrease in our fast-growing happiness?

- This is the criterion on which every Vastu is tested in the West.

It is known that people forget that about 90 percent of our knowledge cannot be automatically used for any practical use, which can increase our worldly pleasures and cause suffering. In our daily lives, a small fraction of our scientific information can be used practically. This is because only a very small part of our conscious mind is on the sensing plane. Sensitive consciousness is only Rancha, but we think that it is our entire mind and life, but in reality it is a drop in the immense ocean of the subconscious mind Is similar to Whatever we are, if it were just a bundle of sensory knowledge, then what we would have acquired, could have been used in the satisfaction of sensual pleasures. But fortunately this is not the case. As we move away from the bestial condition, in the same way, happiness starts working and there is a tremendous pleasure in the fast growing consciousness of scientific and psychological knowledge. Then getting "gone for knowledge" becomes most pleasing to the mind, whether it gives some sense of pleasure or not.

          But even after accepting the western criterion of use for testing, psychology is also a science by this criterion. Why? We are all slaves to our senses. A criminal is not a criminal because he wants to be like that, but because his mind is not in his control and thus he is a slave to his own conscious and subconscious mind and to every other mind. He has to follow the strong tendency of his mind by bending, he cannot stop it. To be conscience, our own instinct, our own instinctsDespite this, he moves forward and is forced to walk according to the strong tendency of his own mind. That poor fellow cannot stop himself.

     It is psychology, which teaches us to restrain the cynical mind that revolves around it, to control it at will, and similarly to free ourselves from its tyrannical ideals. Therefore psychology is the science of all the sciences and without it all other knowledge is meaningless.

     In the West, the powers of the mind, especially the improper powers, are considered magic and mysticism. The study of higher psychology has been misplaced due to the fact that it is identified only with so-called psychological trades, as some miracle-looking Hindus do. Has been established. Physics around the world often arrive at one result. They do not have differences of opinion about the simple facts which they find and the conclusions that follow.

      The reason for this is that the data related to physics are all accessible and they are universally recognized and based on universally accepted tathis, rational results have been derived. It differs in the state of mind, it is neither a fact, nor a fact worthy of physical sensory observation, and there can be no universally recognized material on the basis of which psychology is given any systematic form when the study of the mind Everyone engaged in the test is equally tested.

       "To subdue the mind you have to go into the depths of the subconscious mind". The various rites, thoughts, etc. are accumulated, they have to be sorted and controlled.


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